Climate Security

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Climate Security

Advancing climate security through science, technology, and action

Sandia integrates capabilities from across the Labs to address the national and global security threats associated with climate change. This work builds on over half a century of climate-related technology and innovation. Climate research at Sandia encompasses broad efforts to build awareness, enhance society’s efforts to mitigate greenhouse gases, inform our ability to adapt to its impacts, and understand potential climate intervention strategies.

Sandia is a leader in advancing state-of-the-art climate capabilities and applying these across the Laboratories missions. To support these efforts, we are building new cutting-edge R&D facilities and modeling the way forward in site sustainability. We work closely with government, academia, industry, and community partners to address the challenges of climate change, including issues of energy and environmental justice.

With these strategic actions, we are strongly positioned to advance climate security through science, technology, and action.

View a timeline of climate-relevant research and development at Sandia

Research Themes

Recent News

Next-generation power electronics are leveraging the advantages of wide bandgap semiconductors to enable higher power densities...

Sandia researchers are advancing algae flow-way systems that screen out pollutants from the environment. Designed to...

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller recently honored Sandia solar researcher Ken Armijo for his outstanding community service...

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Climate Change Threatens National and Global Security 

The environmental impacts of climate change — such as severe weather, rising sea levels, wildfires, and droughts — create societal risks that directly threaten our nation’s security. It is expected that these risks will increase as temperatures continue to rise. In addition to directly impacting people’s lives, climate change acts as a “threat multiplier,” exacerbating existing societal issues and putting the highest risks on the most vulnerable populations. These environmental, social, and economic disruptions challenge security at home and abroad motivating Sandia’s approach to climate change as a national and global security threat.

Sandia Climate Community 

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A growing community of researchers and professionals who share a passion for using their knowledge and skills to address climate change is key to Sandia’s climate efforts. Our Climate Community Series highlights the diverse range of climate research and actions being taken by Sandians.


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    We partner with large and small businesses, universities, and government agencies. With multiple agreement types to select from, partners can access world-class science, engineering, experts, and infrastructure.


    Rob Leland