Sandia National Laboratories
Exceptional service in the national interest
Vision: Revolutionize the electric power grid through innovative AI/ML research to provide unprecedented efficiency, resilience, and sustainability
The increased prevalence of sensors in the grid, ranging from phasor measurement units (PMUs) to advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) in distribution networks, has resulted in an explosion of grid data. Machine learning techniques are well suited for making inferences from this Big Data. Examples include applying machine learning techniques to AMI data to identify model errors in distribution networks to using machine learning algorithms to improve the operation of protective relays. Machine learning and data analytics is an important component of Sandia’s Advanced Grid Modeling (AGM) program. Artificial intelligence (AI) through data fusion and data analytics have the capability to produce actionable intelligence and decision support for grid operators and utilities. AI provides a cross-cutting toolset to revolutionize each thrust of the energy program, from wildfire resilience and renewables integration to microgrids and cyber-physical system analysis. Sandia is at the forefront of using AI algorithms, machine learning, and other data analytics to provide critical insights for a modern power grid.
View the Electric Grid: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research at Sandia overview.
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Logan Blakely
Dr. Matthew Reno