

Browse select computational codes, data sets, models, software, tools, and toolkits from Sandia National Laboratories’ energy programs

Arctic Science & Security

For software developed at Sandia that covers a variety of applications related to research in the Arctic, please visit the Arctic Software page.

Search licensable technologies, patents, applications, and software from Sandia related to energy and the environment.

Electric Grid

For tools developed at Sandia that cover a variety of applications related to electric grid research, security, and modernization, please visit the Electric Grid pages.

Energy & Water

Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have developed decision support tools to address the complex challenges that face water infrastructure. Browse Water Security Decision Support Tools.

Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have developed data, models, and analytical tools to identify current energy system vulnerabilities and adaptive pathways toward a resilient food-energy-water future. Browse Water Data Modeling & Analysis Tools.

Energy Storage

The DOE Global Energy Storage Database provides research-grade information on grid-connected energy storage projects and relevant state and federal policies.

QuESt is an open source, Python-based software application suite for energy storage simulation and analysis. It is designed to give users access to models and analysis for energy storage used and developed by Sandia National Laboratories. Open QuEST.

Nuclear Energy

MELCOR is a fully integrated, engineering-level computer code that models the progression of severe accidents in light-water reactor nuclear power plants.

The MACCS code suite is a set of codes used to model the transport of nuclear material through the environment in order to capture the consequences to the environment, economy, and human health from the release of radiation to the environment. MACCS provide the unique capability to perform risk informed and probabilistic analysis through robust capabilities to sample inputs and a diverse set of statistical outputs.  MACCS is also unique in its build-in evacuation models to enable modeling of various emergency evacuation plans and its long term consequence analyses due to impacts to the economy, embargo, decontamination, food chain modeling, and long term land use restrictions.

The Space Nuclear Launch Safety code suite is a suite of code used to predict the potential range of accidents that might occur during a space mission involving a nuclear payload.  This suite models impact, explosions, fires, reentry, human health, land contamination and more; all in a probabilistic framework to enable confidence and risk assessment.

Renewable Energy

Geothermal Energy

GeoCLUSTER: Geothermal Closed-Loop User Tool in Energy Research

Solar Energy

The Concentrating Solar Power group has a large suite of tools for research, testing, and analysis of concentrating solar power. View concentrating solar power tools.


PV Value


Solar Glare Hazards Analysis Tool (SGHAT)

Wind Energy Research

CACTUS (Code for Axial and Cross-flow TUrbine Simulation) is a turbine performance simulation code, based on a free wake vortex method, to study wind turbines and marine hydrokinetic (MHK) devices.

The Numerical Manufacturing And Design Tool (NuMAD) is an open-source software tool written in Matlab which simplifies the process of creating a three-dimensional model of a wind turbine blade.

Offshore Wind Energy Simulator (OWENS) is a software toolset for the analysis, design, and certification of offshore, land-based, or marine hydrokinetic vertical-axis wind turbine systems.

Wind & Marine Energy Composites Database

Sustainable Transportation

Hydrogen Extremely Low Probability of Rupture (HELPR) is a modular, probabilistic fracture mechanics platform developed to assess the structural integrity of natural gas infrastructure for transmission and distribution of hydrogen natural gas blends. HELPR contains fatigue and fracture engineering models to allow fast computations while its probabilistic framework enables users to explore and characterize the sensitivity of predicted outcomes to uncertainties within the pipeline’s structure and operation.

HyRAM toolkit: The HyRAM toolkit is the first-ever software toolkit that integrates deterministic and probabilistic models for quantifying accident scenarios, predicting physical effects, and characterizing hydrogen hazards’ impact on people and structures.

Technical Reference for Hydrogen Compatibility of Materials