Peter H. Kobos has been a research economist at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, since 2003, and is currently the Water Power Technologies Program manager. He has published in Contemporary Economic Policy, Energy Policy, Environmental Science and Technology, the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, and the SPE Economics & Management journal.
Peter has a bachelor’s in biology from Hobart College, and both a master’s and PhD from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in economics and ecological economics, respectively. He has been a nationally-elected council member (2012−2013) and vice president – chapter liaison (2015−2016) to the US Association for Energy Economics (USAEE). Peter also received the Senior Fellow Award from the USAEE in 2023.
Peter’s research focuses on energy economic issues to assess energy technologies in China, India, the US, and technology-specific areas including renewable and fossil energy-based electricity generation, hydrogen production and use for transportation, CO2 storage from the electricity sector, and water management and use for power generation.