Energy Efficient Computing for Automated Vehicles (EECAV) Workshop Presentations

DAY 1 (May 11, 2021):

EECAV Workshop Welcome and Introduction

Presenter: Zhiyong Li, Sandia National Laboratories

This talk gives the purpose of the EECAV Workshop and the desired outcome.

Download the Workshop Welcome and Introduction

Overview of Semiconductor and Automated Vehicle Development Projections

Presenters: Matt Marinella, Sandia National Laboratories and Jace Mogill, (USCAR)

This presentation gives the landscape/projections from the semiconductor and AV industry perspectives for the next generation of technologies relevant to EECAV.

Download the Semiconductor and Automated Vehicle Development Projections Overview

Overview of the Roadmap Scope and Outline

Presenter: Lennie Klebanoff, Sandia National Laboratories

The presentation gives a discussion of the philosophy behind the Roadmap Outline (timeline and scope), as well as computational energy efficiency from the supply side (chip technology) and the demand side (vehicle implementation).

Download the Overview of the Roadmap Scope and Outline

DAY 2 (May 12, 2021):

Introduction for Day 2

Presenter: Lennie Klebanoff, Sandia National Laboratories

This presentation gives the expectations for the outcome of Day 2 of the EECAV Workshop.

Download the Introduction for Day 2

Feedback Session for Technical Area I: Chips: Materials, Devices and Circuits

Presenter/Moderator: John Paul Strachan, Forschungzentrum Jülich/RWTH (Aachen), formerly HPE

This presentation gives a description of the R&D problems that were identified for Technical Area I: Chips: Materials, Devices and Circuits, in order to collect feedback from the workshop participants.

Download the Feedback Session for Technical Area I

Feedback Session for Technical Area II: Chips: Architecture, Safety and Security

Presenter/Moderator: Rob Aitken, ARM Research

This presentation gives a description of the R&D problems that were identified for Technical Area II: Chips: Architecture, Safety and Security, in order to collect feedback from the workshop participants.

Download the Feedback Session for Technical Area II

Feedback Session for Technical Area III: Algorithms and Data Management

Presenter/Moderator: Robert P. Dick, University of Michigan

This presentation gives a description of the R&D problems that were identified for Technical Area III: Algorithms and Data Management, in order to collect feedback from the workshop participants.

Download the Feedback Session for Technical Area III

Feedback Session for Technical Area IV: Sensors Data Interface

Presenter/Moderator: Jace Mogill, (USCAR)

This presentation gives a description of the R&D problems that were identified for Technical Area IV: Sensors Data Interface, in order to collect feedback from the workshop participants.

Download the Feedback Session for Technical Area IV