Sandia maintains the equipment, technical expertise, and partnerships required to develop technology for solar thermochemical hydrogen production and thermal storage.
Sandia’s experimental materials development and characterization capabilities include high-temperature, in-situ X-ray diffraction and a virtually accessible laser heated stagnation flow reactor. Using these capabilities, we can evaluate material behavior under extreme thermal conditions (>1500ºC) and heating rates (>100 ºC/s). Capabilities and expertise at the National Solar Thermal Test Facility are leveraged to develop advanced reactor concepts and components (e.g., heliostats, solar receivers).
Sandia contributes to the Department of Energy’s HydroGEN Consortium, a collaboration that accelerates research, development, and deployment of advanced water splitting materials for hydrogen production. HydroGEN makes unique, world-class national lab capabilities in photoelectrochemical, solar thermochemical, and low- and high-temperature electrolytic water splitting more accessible to academia and industry, and supports national laboratory research in these areas.

“Phase Identification of the Layered Perovskite CexSr2−xMnO4 and Application for Solar Thermochemical Water Splitting”, Debora R. Barcellos, Francisco G. Coury, Antoine Emery, Michael Sanders, Jianhua Tong, Anthony McDaniel, Christopher Wolverton, Michael Kaufman, Ryan O’Hayre, Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 58, 7705-7714.

“Thermodynamic development and design of a concentrating solar thermochemical water-splitting process for co-production of hydrogen and electricity”, Vishnu Kumar Budama, Nathan G. Johnson, Anthony McDaniel, Ivan Ermanoski, Ellen B. Stechel, Hoon T. Chung, Yu Seung Kim, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43, 17574-17587.

“Design of a pilot scale directly irradiated, high temperature, and low pressure moving particle cavity chamber for metal oxide reduction”, Abhishek Singh, Justin Lapp, Johannes Grobbel, Stefan Brendelberger, Jan P. Reinhold, Lamark Olivera, Ivan Ermanoski, Nathan P. Siegel, Anthony McDaniel, Martin Roeb, Christian Sattler, Solar Energy, 2017, 157, 365-376.
Anthony McDaniel
(925) 294-1440