Sandia’s hydrogen for rail program enables the safe and effective use of hydrogen systems for rail applications. Our contribution includes reviewing existing codes and standards related to hydrogen systems for rail, as well as assessing the feasibility of supporting infrastructure (such as refueling and maintenance facilities) necessary for hydrogen rail applications.
This work builds on many of the topics identified in the H2@Rail Workshop, March 26–27, 2019, in Lansing, Michigan.

Refueling Infrastructure Scoping and Feasibility Assessment for Hydrogen Rail Applications by Brian D. Ehrhart, Gabriela Bran Anleu, Jamal A. Mohmand, Austin R. Baird, and Leonard E. Klebanoff. Sandia National Laboratories, October 2021. SAND2021-12851.

Study of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology for Rail Propulsion and Review of Relevant Industry Standards by Brian D. Ehrhart, Leonard E. Klebanoff, Jamal A. Mohmand, and Cheri Markt. Federal Railroad Administration, DOT/FRA/ORD-21/20; Sandia National Laboratories, SAND2021-3165 R. June 2021.

H2@RailSM Workshop Report by Mattie Hensley and Jonathan Zimmerman. Sandia National Laboratories, August 2019. SAND2019-10191 R.
Brian Ehrhart
(505) 284-4906