Sandia Wind Turbine Loads Database

eval_id: Simulation number

The Sandia Wind Turbine Loads Database is divided into six files, each corresponding to approximately 16 years of simulation. The files are text files with data in columnar format. The first line in each file is a header line defining the contents of each column. The variables in each file are as follows:

randseed1: First random wind seed used in TurbSim (Note: This was originally a real number resulting from a sample taken from a uniform distribution of real numbers. The integer value used by TurbSim was obtained by truncating this real number (dropping the digits beyond the decimal point). However, in many cases, the seed number that was output to file was rounded to an integer, in order to fit the number in the output field. This means that reported integer values of random seed may be either correct, or off by +/- 1 from the integer value actually used by TurbSim.)
randseed2: Second random wind seed used in TurbSim (see note for randseed1)
WindSpeed: 10-minute mean wind speed (m/s)
OopDefl: Maximum out-of-plane blade tip deflection, taken over all 3 blades (m)
IPDefl: Maximum in-plane blade tip deflection, taken over all 3 blades (m)
RootMOop: Maximum blade root out-of-plane bending moment, taken over all 3 blades (kN-m)
RootMIP: Maximum blade root in-plane bending moment, taken over all 3 blades (kN-m)
RootMFlp: Maximum blade root flap-wise bending moment, taken over all 3 blades (kN-m)
RootMEdg: Maximum blade root edge-wise bending moment, taken over all 3 blades (kN-m)
LSSTipMya: Maximum rotating low-speed shaft bending moment about the y_a-axis (see FAST user manual) (kN-m)
LSSTipMza: Maximum rotating low-speed shaft bending moment about the z_a-axis (see FAST user manual) (kN-m)
TwrBsMxt: Maximum tower base side-to-side bending moment (kN-m)
TwrBsMyt: Maximum tower base fore-aft bending moment (kN-m)
TwrBsMzt: Maximum tower base yaw moment (kN-m)

Use the link below to request the zip file (424MB) containing simulated 10-minute maximum loads for the NREL 5 MW wind turbine. The details of the loads simulations can be found in the paper: â€śDecades of Wind Turbine Loads Simulations”, M. Barone, J. Paquette, B. Resor, and L. Manuel, AIAA2012-1288 (3.69MB PDF). Note that the site-average wind speed is 10 m/s (class I-B), not the 8.5 m/s reported in the paper.

Download the database (424MB ZIP file containing 6 data files)