
Clean Energy Manufacturing & Industrial Decarbonization

Increasing efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint of manufacturing technologies and industrial processes

Through our clean energy manufacturing and industrial decarbonization programs, Sandia supplies innovative technology, development, and analysis to support manufacturing and industry in the transition to a net-zero future. Sandia studies and develops advanced materials and technologies to help manufacturers produce clean energy, advance a secure and sustainable supply chain, and use energy as efficiently as possible. We also develop and de-risk technologies to decarbonize heat- and energy-intensive industrial processes, including cement, chemicals, iron, and steel production processes. Sandia can provide critical systems integration engineering and at-scale technology demonstrations.

Sandia’s clean energy manufacturing and industrial decarbonization programs leverage and enhance strengths from Sandia’s broad and enduring missions. Our work draws from Sandia’s world-class research foundations that support our broad national security mission. Using energy as efficiently as possible in computing, manufacturing, and in residential and commercial buildings will play a role in the nation achieving a decarbonized energy system by 2050.

Research Focus Areas

Clean Energy Manufacturing


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Margaret Gordon

Carlos Gutierrez