Victoria Obrien


Victoria Obrien

Electrical Engineer

Contact Information

Victoria Obrien


Victoria Obrien is a Senior Member of Technical Staff in the Electric Grid Security and Communications Department at Sandia National Laboratories. She obtained a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Texas Tech University in 2020, 2021, and 2023, respectively. Her research interests include the cybersecurity of battery energy storage systems, control systems, and the smart grid. Dr. Obrien was the recipient of the Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Fellowship (Texas Tech University) in 2020, Advanced Energy Conference (AEC) “Best Poster” Award in 2021, and Power and Energy Conference at Illinois (PECI) “Best Paper” Award in 2022.

Research Interests


Control systems

Smart grid

Renewable energy systems integration


Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Emphasis in Cyber Security, Texas Tech University (2023)

M.S., Electrical Engineering, Texas Tech University (2021)

B.S., Electrical Engineering, Minor in Mathematics, with Honors, Texas Tech University (2020)

Google Scholar

Victoria Obrien

Key Publications

V. Obrien, V. S. Rao, and R. D. Trevizan, “Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Battery Stacks Using Input Noise-Aware Nonlinear State Estimation and Cumulative Sum Algorithms,” in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 7800-7812, Nov.-Dec. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2023.3308548.

V. Obrien, V. Rao, and R. D. Trevizan, “Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Ambient Temperature-Dependent Battery Stacks,” 2022 IEEE Electrical Energy Storage Application and Technologies Conference (EESAT), Austin, TX, USA, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/EESAT55007.2022.9998042.

V. Obrien, V. Rao, and R. D. Trevizan, “Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Battery Stacks Using Physics-Based Modeling and Cumulative Sum Algorithm,” 2022 IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois (PECI), Champaign, IL, USA, 2022, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/PECI54197.2022.9744036. Winner of best paper award.

V. Obrien, R.D. Trevizan, and V. Rao, “Detecting False Data Injection Attacks to Battery State Estimation Using Cumulative Sum Algorithm” 53rd North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 2021, pp. 01-06, DOI: 10.1109/NAPS52732.2021.9654567.

V. Obrien, R.D. Trevizan, and V. Rao, “Detection of False Data Injection Attacks Targeting State of Charge Estimation of Battery Energy Storage Systems” 2021 Advanced Energy Conference (AEC), Jun 2021. 1st place winner of best graduate student poster award.