Stephen Percival
Materials Scientist

Stephen J. Percival is a Senior R&D Materials Scientist and electrochemist in the Electronic, Optical, and Nano Materials Department at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Stephen received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Nevada, Reno and PhD from the University of Washington, Seattle. Before coming to Sandia National Laboratories, he worked as a postdoctoral associate in the lab of Professor Allen J. Bard at the University of Texas at Austin. Stephen has worked with many various electrochemical and materials systems but is inspired by energy and environmentally related fields including energy storage technologies, materials and catalysis.
Research Interests
- Materials for electrochemical energy storage
- Functional coatings, membranes and separators to control ion movement at interfaces
- Reaction kinetics, catalysis and nanoelectrochemistry
- Nano-structured and composite materials
- Colloidal nanoparticles, nanowires and 2D nanomaterials
- Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Washington (Seattle, WA), 2015
- B.S. in Chemistry, University of Nevada, (Reno, NV), 2008
Stephen Percival, Ping Lu, Daniel Lowry, T. Nenoff, (2022). Electrodeposition of Complex High Entropy Oxides via Water Droplet Formation and Conversion to Crystalline Alloy Nanoparticles Langmuir Publication ID: 80562
Erik Spoerke, Martha Gross, Melissa Meyerson, Leo Small, Stephen Percival, (2021). Low Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries for Long-Duration Energy Storage Publication ID: 77029
Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Rose Lee, Amanda Peretti, Erik Spoerke, Leo Small, (2021). Lower Temperature, Lower Cost Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 77030
Adam Maraschky, Rose Lee, Stephen Percival, Martha Gross, Amanda Peretti, Erik Spoerke, Leo Small, (2021). Experimental and Modeling Studies of Metal Halide Catholyte and Cathode Materials to Enable Low-temperature Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 76708
Leo Small, Rose Lee, Stephen Percival, Martha Gross, Amanda Peretti, Melissa Meyerson, Erik Spoerke, (2021). Understanding Electrochemical Processes in Molten Salt Catholytes for Low Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 76973
T. Nenoff, Susan Henkelis, M. Rodriguez, Dayton Vogel, D. Rademacher, Jessica Rimsza, N. Valdez, Stephen Percival, (2021). Kinetically Controlled Linker Binding in Rare Earth-DOBDC MOFs, and its Effects on Acid Gas Adsorption Publication ID: 76170
Leo Small, Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Amanda Peretti, Rose Lee, Adam Maraschky, Melissa Meyerson, ryan hill, Y.T. Cheng, Erik Spoerke, (2021). Low Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 76176
Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Rose, Lee, Amanda Peretti, Erik Spoerke, Leo Small, (2021). Low-Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 76231
Erik Spoerke, Martha Gross, Amanda Peretti, Stephen Percival, Rose Lee, Joshua Lamb, M. Rodriguez, Leo Small, (2021). Developing ?Really Cool? Low Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 76253
Erik Spoerke, Martha Gross, Amanda Peretti, Stephen Percival, Rose Lee, Joshua Lamb, Leo Small, (2021). Materials Chemistry in Battery Energy Storage: A Key to Unlocking Our ?Potential? Energy Future Publication ID: 75814
Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Amanda Peretti, M. Rodriguez, Joshua Lamb, Erik Spoerke, Leo Small, Rose Lee, (2021). Development of a High-Voltage, Low Temperature Molten Sodium Battery Publication ID: 75712
Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Rose Lee, Amanda Peretti, Erik Spoerke, Leo Small, (2021). A high-voltage, low-temperature molten sodium battery enabled by metal halide catholyte chemistry Cell Reports Physical Science Publication ID: 78965
Stephen Percival, Sara Russo, Chad Priest, Ryan Hill, James Ohlhausen, Leo Small, Susan Rempe, Erik Spoerke, (2021). Bio-inspired incorporation of phenylalanine enhances ionic selectivity in layer-by-layer deposited polyelectrolyte films Soft Matter Publication ID: 79392
Erik Spoerke, Martha Gross, Amanda Peretti, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, M. Rodriguez, (2021). Hybrid Solid State ?Chaperone? Phases to Improve Solid State Sodium Electrolytes Publication ID: 78601
Leo Small, Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Rose Lee, Amanda Peretti, Erik Spoerke, (2021). Materials Development for High-Performance Interfaces in Low-Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 77979
Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Rose Lee, Amanda Peretti, M. Rodriguez, Erik Spoerke, Leo Small, (2021). High-Performance Low-Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries Enabled by Improved Charge Transfer Across Interfaces Publication ID: 78072
AHM Hyder, Brian Morales, Malynda Cappelle, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Erik Spoerke, Susan Rempe, W. Walker, (2021). Evaluation of electrodialysis desalination performance of novel bioinspired and conventional ion exchange membranes with sodium chloride feed solutions Membranes Publication ID: 77846
Stephen Percival, Rose Lee, Martha Gross, Amanda Peretti, Leo Small, Erik Spoerke, (2021). Electrochemistry of the NaI-AlBr3Molten Salt System: A Redox-Active, Low-Temperature Molten Salt Electrolyte Journal of the Electrochemical Society Publication ID: 77641
Stephen Percival, Rose Lee, Martha Gross, Amanda Peretti, Erik Spoerke, Leo Small, (2021). Electrochemistry of the NaI-AlBr3 Low Temperature Molten Salt System:Implications for Applied Battery Performance Publication ID: 77904
Stephen Percival, Rose Lee, Martha Gross, Amanda Peretti, Leo Small, Erik Spoerke, (2021). Electrochemistry of the NaI-AlBr3 Low Temperature Molten Salt System: Implications for Applied Battery Performance Publication ID: 77905
Susan Henkelis, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, D. Rademacher, T. Nenoff, (2021). Continuous mof membrane-based sensors via functionalization of interdigitated electrodes Membranes Publication ID: 77545
Erik Spoerke, Amanda Peretti, Eric Coker, M. Rodriguez, Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, (2020). Solid State Materials to Enable Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 71751
Erik Spoerke, Amanda Peretti, Eric Coker, M. Rodriguez, Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, (2020). Solid State Materials to Enable Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 71549
Leo Small, Stephen Percival, Rose Lee, Martha Gross, Amanda Peretti, Erik Spoerke, (2020). Molten Salt Catholytes for Low-Temperature Molten Sodium Ba:eries Publication ID: 71641
Martha Gross, Amanda Peretti, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, M. Rodriguez, Erik Spoerke, (2020). Engineering Ceramic Electrolyte Interfaces for Low-Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 71532
Martha Gross, Leo Small, Amanda Peretti, Stephen Percival, M. Rodriguez, Erik Spoerke, (2020). Tin-based ionic chaperone phases to improve low temperature molten sodium-NaSICON interfaces Journal of Materials Chemistry A Publication ID: 74006
Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Amanda Peretti, Erik Spoerke, Leo Small, (2020). Development of High Performance Low Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 74781
Erik Schindelholz, Erik Spoerke, Jaime Grunlan, Michael Melia, Stephen Percival, Shuang Qin, Erin Barrick, Chris Alexander, Derek Nelson, (2020). Ultrathin corrosion barrier films enabled by layer-by-layer polymer clay nanocomposites Publication ID: 70942
Erik Spoerke, Amanda Peretti, Eric Coker, M. Rodriguez, Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, ryan hill, Yang-Tse Cheng, (2020). Solid State Ion Conductors to Enable Low Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 70944
Erik Spoerke, Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Rose Lee, Leo Small, (2020). Implementing Low Temperature Strategies to Advance ?Really Cool? Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 70945
Leo Small, Martha Gross, Rose Lee, Stephen Percival, Amanda Peretti, ryan hill, Y.-T. Chen, Erik Spoerke, (2020). Low Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 74836
Martha Gross, Amanda Peretti, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, M. Rodriguez, Erik Spoerke, (2020). Advancing Low Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries by Interfacial Engineering of Ceramic Electrolytes Publication ID: 74845
Stephen Percival, Rose Lee, Martha Gross, Amanda Peretti, Erik Spoerke, Leo Small, (2020). Electrochemistry of the NaI-AlBr3 Low Temperature Molten Salt System:Implications for Sodium Battery Performance Publication ID: 74858
Erik Spoerke, Amanda Peretti, Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, ryan hill, Yang-Tse Chang, Leo Small, (2020). Solid State Separator Development for Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 74950
Erik Spoerke, Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, (2020). Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 73578
Erik Spoerke, Amanda Peretti, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Martha Gross, Eric Schindelholz, Michael Melia, Susan Rempe, Derek Nelson, Sara Russo, ryan hill, Yang-Tse Cheng, (2020). Controlling Ion Transport in Multilayered Polymer Composites Publication ID: 72813
Martha Gross, Amanda Peretti, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, M. Rodriguez, Erik Spoerke, (2020). Interfacial Engineering of Ceramic Separators in Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 70785
Erik Spoerke, Amanda Peretti, Eric Coker, M. Rodriguez, Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, (2020). Synthetic Designs For Improved NaSICON-Based Sodium Ion Conductors Publication ID: 70835
Stephen Percival, (2019). Protective Plastic Film Removal from Stainless Steel for Reytek Corporation Publication ID: 66817
Stephen Percival, Martha Gross, Leo Small, Erik Spoerke, (2019). Advances in Low Temperature Molten Sodium Halide Catholytes for Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 66357
Erik Spoerke, Amanda Peretti, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Martha Gross, Eric Schindelholz, Michael Melia, Susan Rempe, Derek Nelson, Sara Russo, (2019). The Ion Seeps Tonight: Assessing Ionic Transport in Multilayered Nanocomposites Publication ID: 66212
Erik Spoerke, Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Amanda Peretti, Joshua Lamb, Babu Chalamala, (2019). Tailoring Materials Chemistry to Advance Low Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 65636
Erik Spoerke, Eric Schindelholz, Kenneth Armijo, Margaret Gordon, Stephen Percival, Derek Nelson, Hai-Duy Nguyen, N. Sorensen, Kevin Holder, Shuang Qin, Jaime Grunlan, (2019). 2D-Dirt: A Low Tech Material with High Tech Potential Publication ID: 65050
Amanda Peretti, Eric Coker, M. Rodriguez, Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Erik Spoerke, (2019). Solid State Separator Development for Sodium-Based Batteries Publication ID: 65155
Sara Russo, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Chad Priest, Susan Rempe, James Ohlhausen, Amanda Peretti, Erik Spoerke, (2019). Bio-Inspired Selective Ion Transport Membranes Publication ID: 64979
Erik Spoerke, Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Amanda Peretti, Joshua Lamb, Babu Chalamala, (2019). Really Cool Molten Sodium Batteries: Material Innovations to Enable Low Temperature Operation Publication ID: 64980
Stephen Percival, Stephen Percival, Susan Rempe, Susan Rempe, (2019). Biomimetic Membranes for Water Desalination Publication ID: 65248
Erik Spoerke, Martha Gross, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Amanda Peretti, josh lamb, Babu Chalamala, (2019). Materials Chemistry to Advance Na-Batteries Publication ID: 64617
Stephen Percival, Michael Melia, Susan Rempe, (2019). RO membranes for Clean Water – Sandia Pitch Competition 2019 Publication ID: 70633
Erik Spoerke, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Amanda Peretti, Joshua Lamb, Babu Chalamala, (2019). Materials Advances to Enable Low Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries for Grid-Scale Energy Storage Publication ID: 69113
Stephen Percival, Sara Russo, Ryan Hill, Amanda Peretti, Leo Small, Susan Rempe, Erik Spoerke, (2019). Polyelectrolyte Modification of Nanoporous Membranes for Selective Ion Transport in Electrodialysis Publication ID: 68135
Erik Spoerke, Amanda Peretti, Stephen Percival, Jonathan Bock, Harlan Brown-Shaklee, Leo Small, Babu Chalamala, (2019). Adapting Processing and Structure Toward Improved NaSICON-Based Sodium Ion Conductors Publication ID: 68222
Erik Spoerke, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Amanda Peretti, Joshua Lamb, (2019). Molten Sodium Batteries: Promise for Advancing Grid-Scale Battery Utility Publication ID: 67458
Erik Spoerke, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Amanda Peretti, Joshua Lamb, Babu Chalamala, (2019). Advancing ?Low? Temperature Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 64174
Erik Spoerke, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Amanda Peretti, josh lamb, (2018). Tailoring Molten Sodium-Halide Battery Chemistry for Safe Low Temperature Rechargeable Batteries Publication ID: 60381
Erik Spoerke, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Amanda Peretti, Joshua Lamb, Sara Dickens, Eric Allcorn, Babu Chalamala, (2018). Materials Advances for Molten Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 59162
Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Eric Allcorn, Babu Chalamala, Erik Spoerke, (2018). Molten Salt Catholyte Development for Low Temperature Na-Halide Batteries Publication ID: 59112
Erik Spoerke, Amanda Peretti, Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Babu Chalamala, (2018). Sodium Ion-Conducting Separator Development Publication ID: 59119
Leo Small, Stephen Percival, Joshua Lamb, Eric Allcorn, Erik Spoerke, (2018). Intermediate Temperature Sodium Batteries Enabled by an Inorganic Molten Catholyte Publication ID: 61993
Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Eric Allcorn, Erik Spoerke, (2018). Electrochemical Assessment of Molten NaI-AlCl3 Catholytes for Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 61924
Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Susan Rempe, Erik Spoerke, (2018). Polyelectrolyte Modification of Nanoporous Membranes for Selective Ion Transport in Electrodialysis Publication ID: 61939
Leo Small, Stephen Percival, Erik Spoerke, (2018). Polyelectrolytes for Selective Ion Transport in Nanoporous Electrodialysis Membranes Publication ID: 61387
Leo Small, Stephen Percival, Erik Spoerke, (2018). Improving Solid State Sodium Ion Conductors for Next Generation Energy Storage Publication ID: 61388
Stephen Percival, Leo Small, Erik Spoerke, Susan Rempe, (2018). Polyelectrolyte layer-by-layer deposition on nanoporous supports for ion selective membranes RSC Advances Publication ID: 59580
Erik Spoerke, Leo Small, Stephen Percival, Joshua Lamb, Paul Clem, Sai Bhavaraju, Alexis Eccleston, (2017). A Materials Chemistry Approach to Safe Effective Sodium Batteries Publication ID: 54412
Erik Spoerke, Leo Small, Stephen Percival, Joshua Lamb, Paul Clem, David Ingersoll, Sai Bhavaraju, Alexis Eccleston, (2017). Materials Chemistry to Advance Na-Batteries Publication ID: 53514
Erik Spoerke, Leo Small, Stephen Percival, Joshua Lamb, Paul Clem, David Ingersoll, Sai Bhavaraju, Alexis Eccleston, (2017). Sodium-Based Batteries: Toward Meeting Next Generation Challenges in Grid-Scale Energy Storage Publication ID: 53515
Erik Spoerke, Leo Small, Joshua Lamb, Paul Clem, David Ingersoll, Sai Bhavaraju, Alexis Eccleston, Stephen Percival, (2017). Advancing Sodium-Based Batteries for Grid-Scale Energy Storage Publication ID: 53353
Leo Small, Stephen Percival, Eric Allcorn, Erik Spoerke, (2017). Molten NaI-AlCl3 Catholytes for Use in a Sodium Battery Publication ID: 53275
Showing Results.
Patents & Trademarks
S.J. Percival, C. Campbell, M. Celina, E. Schindelholz, E.D. Spoerke “Inherently Crosslinkable Nanocomposite Thin Film Anticorrosion Coating” SD# 15228, US Application # 62/990,704, Sept. 3, 2020.
E.D. Spoerke, M.M. Gross, S.J. Percival, L.J. Small “Surface Treatments of NaSICON Ceramics for Improved Sodium Electrochemical Interfaces” US Patent Application # 62/940,697, Nov. 26, 2019.
E.D. Spoerke, S.J. Percival, L.J. Small “Molten Inorganic Electrolytes for Low Temperature Sodium Batteries” US Patent Application # 16/564,751. Sep. 2019.
L.J. Small, S.J. Percival, E.D. Spoerke “Nanostructured Polyelectrolytes for Electrodialysis Membranes” US Application # 16/128,081, Jun. 10, 2020.