Keira Elliot


Keira Elliott M.C.S.

R&D S&E, Cybersecurity

Contact Information

Keira Elliott / 505-844-3566


Keira Elliott currently works as a full-time staff member of Renewable Energy and Distributed System Integration (RDSI) working in R&D and S&E in Cybersecurity along with Jay Johnson, George Fragkos, Sherry Mitchell, and Will Vining. Prior to her appointment in RDSI, Keira worked as a research assistant at the University of New Mexico under Patrick Bridges, Marie Vasek, and Eirini Tsiropoulou on both cybersecurity and high-performance computing research projects.


  • Masters Science, Computer Science from The University of New Mexico
  • Bachelor Science, Computer Science from The University of New Mexico

Key Publications


  • J. Dominguez-Trujillo, K. Haskins (Elliott), S.J. Khouzani, C. Leap, S. Tashakkori, Q. Wofford, T. Estrada, P.G. Bridges, P. Widener“ Lightweight Measurement and Analysis of HPC Performance Variability”, Conference: 2020 IEEE/ACM Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS), DOI: 10.1109/PMBS51919.2020.00011


  • K. Haskins (Elliott), Q. Wofford, P.G. Bridges, “Workflows for Performance Predictable and Reproducible HPC Applications” Conference: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), DOI: 10.1109/CLUSTER.2019.8891043