Georgios Fragkos


Georgios Fragkos, Ph.D.

Principal Member, Technical Staff

Contact Information

Georgios Fragkos / 505-526-4988


Dr. Georgios Fragkos is a Principal Member of the Technical Staff on the Renewable and Distributed Systems Integration program. He obtained his 5-year joint diploma degree in Computer Science from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece in 2018. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. with Distinction in the field of Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico, NM, USA. His research focuses on Machine Learning, particularly Reinforcement Learning in stochastic environments, and Cybersecurity applied to networks and the Smart Grid. Dr. Georgios Fragkos was awarded the UNM Graduate Excellence Fellowship in 2019, the School of Engineering UNM Outstanding Graduate Award in 2020, and the IEEE Outstanding Graduate Engineering Student Award in 2020.


  • Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of New Mexico, 2022
  • M.S. in Computer Engineering from the University of New Mexico, 2020
  • Diploma (B.S. & Integrated M.S.) from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2018

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Georgios Fragkos

Key Publications

  • Fragkos, Georgios, Jay Johnson, and Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou. “Dynamic Role-Based Access Control Policy for Smart Grid Applications: An Offline Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach.” IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 52.4 (2022): 761-773.
  • Fragkos, Georgios, Jay Johnson, and Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou. “Centralized and Decentralized Distributed Energy Resource Access Control Implementation Considerations.” Energies 15.17 (2022): 6375.
  • Fragkos, Georgios, et al. “Enhancing privacy in PUF-cash through multiple trusted third parties and reinforcement learning.” ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC) 18.1 (2021): 1-26.
  • Apostolopoulos, Pavlos Athanasios, et al. “Data offloading in UAV-assisted multi-access edge computing systems under resource uncertainty.” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 22.1 (2021): 175-190.
  • Diamanti, Maria, et al. “Resource orchestration in interference-limited small cell networks: A contract-theoretic approach.” Network Games, Control and Optimization: 10th International Conference, NetGCooP 2020, France, September 22–24, 2021, Proceedings 10. Springer International Publishing, 2021.
  • Fragkos, Georgios, et al. “Artificially intelligent electronic money.” IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 10.4 (2020): 81-89.
  • Fragkos, Georgios, Sean Lebien, and Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou. “Artificial intelligent multi-access edge computing servers management.” IEEE Access 8 (2020): 171292-171304.