Arctic Science & Security

Arctic Science & Security

Providing science, applied research, and technology for local and global Arctic challenges

Part of Sandia’s responsibilities as a National Laboratory serving the country is to anticipate, transform, and support solutions to address national security issues. Foundational to Sandia’s Arctic program is the ability to leverage over two decades of research, development, and year-round operations in the region, often in collaboration with Arctic research institutions. These efforts include developing reliable, renewable energy systems; improving domain awareness with new sensor technologies, unmanned systems, and satellites; and analyzing interdependencies among environmental changes, economic development, increased human activity, risk, and security capabilities.

Sandia also partners with other organizations to address the complicated issues facing the Arctic, including high-fidelity modeling of environmental changes and impacts on Arctic infrastructure, security, and global systems. Utilizing these resources in the rapidly changing Arctic not only allows Sandia’s capabilities to enhance energy and security for the Arctic, but also for the nation as a whole.


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  • Launching a tethered balloon in the Arctic

    Atmospheric Sciences at Sandia Labs

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    Ben Cook