Nuclear Waste Management

Nuclear Waste Management

Providing scientific information and analyses, as well as programmatic guidance, to both national and international entities, to facilitate resolving nuclear waste management challenges.

Sandia started working in the nuclear waste research area in the early 1970’s and published its first report on nuclear waste in 1973. Sandia has since developed long-lasting, diverse collaborative teams of outstanding scientists and engineers, including geoscientists, material scientists, nuclear engineers, mechanical engineers, computer scientists, and mathematicians. These integrated teams generated the foundational science and engineering data and analyses for developing their recommendations and solutions to the nation’s challenges in spent nuclear fuel storage, transportation, security, and disposal.

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Nuclear Waste Management Video Playlist
Sandia’s supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) Brayton Cycle Full Screen

Sandia’s supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) Brayton Cycle

Sandia National Laboratories Nuclear Energy Safeguards, Security, and Safety

Sandia’s stress corrosion cracking research and development

Understanding loads on spent nuclear fuel rods during transportation and storage

Geologic disposal safety assessment

Sandia’s nuclear waste knowledge management

Sandia’s stress corrosion cracking research and development

Sandia nuclear fuel cycle: host rocks and engineered barriers

Thermal-hydraulic testing at Sandia

Sandia’s Spent Nuclear Fuel Assembly Drop Test

Deep Borehole Disposal Research

Sandia’s Spent Nuclear Fuel Dual-Purpose Canisters

Sandia’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technologies

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