Key Spent Nuclear Fuel Documents

Publication TitleSAND#Publication Date
Advanced Reactors Spent Fuel and Waste Streams Disposition StrategiesSAND2023-08602RJune 2023
Annual Status Update for OWLSAND2024-01154RNovember 2023
ANS Disposal Standards ReportAugust 2023
Advanced Reactor Safeguards and Security Reports; please refer to ARSS webpage
Brine Availability Test in Salt (BATS) FY23 UpdateSAND2023-08820RAugust 2023
DECOVALEX-2019 task C Final ReportSAND2019-8670ROctober 2020
Deep Borehole Disposal Safety CaseSAND2019-1915RFebruary 2019
Deep Borehole Laboratory and Borehole Testing Strategy: Generic Drilling and Testing PlanSAND2019-1896RFebruary 2019
DOE SFWST Campaign R&D Roadmap UpdateSAND-2019-5179RJuly 2019
Final Seismic Shake Table Test PlanSAND2023-10436RSeptember 2023
FY23 Status of Engineered Barrier Systems Work PackageSAND2024-01999RNovember 2023
FY23 Status Report: SNF Interim Storage Canister Corrosion and Surface Environment InvestigationsSAND-2023-09809RSeptember 2023
FY23 Status: Corrosion-Resistant Coatings on Spent Nuclear Fuel Canisters to Mitigate and Repair Potential Stress Corrosion CrackingSAND2023-09205RAugust 2023
GDSA Framework Development and Process Model Integration FY2022SAND2022-14304RSeptember 2022
GDSA Framework Development and Process Model Integration FY2023SAND2023-10906RSeptember 2023
GDSA Repository Systems Analysis Investigations in FY2023SAND2023-09454RSeptember 2023
High-Burnup Spent Fuel Data Project: Sister Rod Final Phase ll Test PlanSAND2023-09981RSeptember 2023
Merits and Viability of Different Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Technology Options and the Waste Aspects of Advanced Nuclear ReactorsMarch 2023
Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Spent-Fuel Disposal in Crystalline Rocks: FY23 Progress ReportSAND2024-02202OAugust 2023
Preclosure Risk Assessment for Deep Borehole DisposalSAND2019-1827RFebruary 2019
Preliminary Simulations of Commercial Drying Cycles Using the Advanced Drying Cycle SimulatorSAND2023-09746 RSeptember 2023
Probability Model of Stress Corrosion Cracking of SNF Dry Storage Canisters: Sensitivity to Three Critical ParametersSAND2023-09360
August 2023
Results of the Normal Conditions of Transport of Spent Nuclear Fuel Multi-Year Experimental Program SAND2023-02490 CJune 2023
Safety, Security, and Safeguards for Advanced Nuclear Power; please refer to the 3S webpage
SFWST Disposal Research R&D 5-Year Plan – FY2023 UpdateSAND2024-01688RAugust 2023
Task Force on Engineered Barrier System (EBS) SAND2020-4195 RSeptember 2023
Testing of Microchannels and Lab-Grown Stress Corrosion Cracks for Quantification of Aerosol TransmissionSAND2023-08375 RAugust 2023
Used Fuel Disposition Campaign Disposal Research and Development RoadmapSeptember 2012