Geomechanics Laboratory

Sandia has extensive experience understanding the mechanical, hydrological, chemical, and thermal forces at play in geothermal systems and during drilling projects. Geothermal drilling and development require thorough characterization of the in-situ rock properties, fracture processes, and borehole stability, all of which can be characterized through our experimental facilities at Sandia. The Geomechanics Laboratory is currently looking to study these processes at higher temperature conditions (>100 ˚C) to evaluate the geothermal reservoirs’ stability as well as the various drilling tools and reservoir engineering technologies developed to enhance production capabilities.

About the Lab

Image of Geomechanics-Lab-3

Making predictions of rock mass response and fluid flow through rock masses requires quantitative models of the governing deformation and fracture processes. Building these models, and performing analytic and numerical design calculations from the models requires information about specific rock properties. The Geomechanics Laboratory enables you to measure rock properties under a wide range of simulated service conditions up to very high pressures and complex load paths. Staff at the laboratory have also developed independent experiments that evaluate model generalizations, for example: how to generalize two-dimensional information to a three-dimensional model. They also have experiments that determine the accuracy of design procedures in the laboratory.

Supported by combinations of laboratory work and in situ observations, the Geomechanics Laboratory emphasizes the following activities:

  • Characterization of natural fracture systems
  • Identification and modeling of rock deformation and failure processes
  • Laboratory determinations of thermo-mechanical and transport properties of competent rock and natural fractures, including studies of coupled effects
  • Extrapolation of laboratory measurements to field conditions
  • In situ stress measurements and evaluation of in situ boundary conditions
  • Laboratory and bench-scale validation studies
The Geomechanics Laboratory enables researchers to measure rock properties under a wide range of simulated conditions, encompassing very high pressures and complex load paths.
The Geomechanics Laboratory enables researchers to measure rock properties under a wide range of simulated conditions, encompassing very high pressures and complex load paths.

These capabilities make this laboratory useful for any of the following applications:

  • Underground construction
  • Mining
  • Oil and gas production/reservoir management
  • Hydrocarbon and compressed air storage
  • Hazardous waste disposal
  • Fluid flow and contaminant transport
  • Laboratory and bench-scale evaluation of geo-technical design procedures

The following tools allow the Geomechanics Laboratory to measure rock properties under a wide range of simulated service conditions up to very high pressures and complex load paths:

  • 0.1-5 MN servo controlled testing machines
  • 1 MN/10 kN-M normal load/torsion testing machine
  • 70 MPa -1 GPa pressure vessels (15 cm maximum cavity diameter)
  • True tri-axial testing capability
  • Hopkinson/Kolsky bar for intermediate rate testing (2.5 cm sample diameter)
  • Tri-axial creep apparatus (10-10 s-1 strain-rate resolution)
  • Elevated temperature testing to 400°C
  • Permeability apparatus with hydrostatic and deviatory loading capabilities
  • Thermal properties (thermal expansion and conductivity) testing up to 300°C
  • Non-destructive testing facilities including real-time acoustic emissions location system
  • Laser surface profiler (10 Am resolution)
  • Petrographic laboratory
  • Specialty machining and sample preparation facilities


Image of Geomechanics-Lab-1-300x272

This fully operational facility is available for characterizing the following materials:

  • Rocks
  • Granular geomaterials
  • Concretes
  • Some ceramics
  • Foams
  • Composite materials

To make arrangements to use the Geomechanics Laboratory, contact the user liaison.


Browse all Sandia publications or search by author below:

Louise Criscenti Google Scholar list of publications.

Jeffery Greathouse Google Scholar list of publications.

Jason Heath Research Gate list of publications.

Tuan Ho Google Scholar list of publications.

Anastasia Ilgen Google Scholar list of publications.

Kevin Leung Research Gate list of publications.

Susan Rempe Google Scholar list of publications.

Jessica Rimsza Google Scholar list of publications.

Guangping Xu Google Scholar list of publications.


Ben Cook