Sustainable Transportation

Sustainable Transportation

Foundational research to accelerate innovation in transportation efficiency and emissions

Through foundational physical and computational research, Sandia accelerates innovation and informs safety and security for new transportation technology.

Our sustainable transportation programs advance the development of more efficient vehicles and low-carbon fuels. Sandia’s transportation research spans passenger automobiles, heavy-duty freight, off-road machinery, marine, rail, and aviation and incorporates the study of diverse and sustainable fuels.

Research Focus Areas


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  • Browse select computational codes, data sets, models, software, tools, and toolkits.

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  • Tour the Applied Biosciences Laboratory
    In the Applied Bioscience Laboratory at Sandia California, the bioscience research focus is two-pronged: energy security and biosecurity.

    Tour the Combustion Research Facility
    The Combustion Research Facility, located at Sandia’s California site, is a world-recognized leader in combustion science and technology.

  • Work with Us

    We partner with large and small businesses, universities, and government agencies. With multiple agreement types to select from, partners can access world-class science, engineering, experts, and infrastructure.


    Sarah Allendorf
    (925) 294-3379