William F. Vining


William F. Vining

Member, Technical Staff

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William Vining is an intern in the Renewable and Distributed Systems Integration group and a graduate student studying Computer Science at the University of New Mexico. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science also from the University of New Mexico. Prior to joining Sandia he was an intern in the High Performance Computing division at Los Alamos National Laboratory where he was one of the primary developers of a massively scalable, fault-tolerant, distributed data storage system. As a graduate student he has studied swarm robotics, complex adaptive systems, and unconventional computing. He has co-authored papers on scalable data storage, swarm robotics, and complex systems. At Sandia his work focuses primarily on the development of open source software for quality control and analysis of data from photovoltaic systems.


  • Master of Science, Computer Science 2020 from University of New Mexico
  • Bachelors of Science, Computer Science, University of New Mexico

Google Scholar:

William F. Vining

Key Publications

  • Abhinav Aggarwal, William F Vining, Diksha Gupta, Jared Saia, Melanie E Moses, “A most irrational foraging algorithm”arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.11973, 2019.
  • Abhinav Aggarwal, Diksha Gupta, William F Vining, G Matthew Fricke, Melanie E Moses, “Ignorance is not bliss: An analysis of central-place foraging algorithms,” 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019.
  • William F Vining, Fernando Esponda, Melanie E Moses, Stephanie Forrest, “How does mobility help distributed systems compute?” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2019.