Sandia Energy > Programs > Energy Storage > Staff > Howard Passell Howard Passell Energy Resource Analyst Contact Information Howard Passell / (505) 550-5752 Biography Howard Passell works in the Energy Storage Systems Department at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His work focuses on policy-related issues associated with energy storage, grid modernization, and decarbonization. Over his 22 years at Sandia he has worked on water and energy resource monitoring, modeling, management, capacity building, and policy-related projects at various scales in the US, Central Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa. This included helping to lead Sandia’s efforts in DOE’s Solar America Cities initiative and developing an energy conservation software and methodology for large institutions. His work has included identification and research into emerging national security issues associated with energy, water, food, ecosystems, and population, with an emphasis on the relationships between resource scarcity and human security. He earned master’s and doctorate degrees in conservation biology and hydrogeoecology at the University of New Mexico. His undergraduate studies were in classical literature and the liberal arts at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, NM and The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. Research Interests Decarbonization, energy transition, renewables and energy storage adoption, energy policy Education Ph.D. in Ecology, University of New Mexico, May 2004 M.S. in Conservation Biology, University of New Mexico, May 2007 B.A. in Classical Literature, The Ohio State University, May 1980 Sandia Technical Library Howard Passell Key Publications E.K. Keller, E. Roll, M. Amir, D. Bull, S. Deland, C. Haddal, H. Passell, et. al. “National Security Futures for Strategic Thinking” Sandia National Laboratories, SAND# 2018-0205 R. P. Engelke and H. Passell “From the Gulf to the Nile: Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa” 2017, The Atlantic Council, Washington, D.C. H. Passell, M Aamir, M. Bernard, W. Beyeler, et al. “Integrated Human Futures Modeling in Egypt” Sandia National Laboratories, SAND# 2016-0388. V. Tidwell, B. Moreland, K. Zemlick, B. Roberts, H. Passell, et. al. “Integrated Energy-Water Planning in the Western and Texas Interconnections” Sandia National Laboratories, SAND# 2015-9298. D.A. Abdushukurov, H. Passell, T. Vandergraaf “Geochemistry of the Kayrakum Reservoir on Central Asia’s Syr Darya” Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014, Saarbrucken, Germany. V.C. Tidwell, B.D. Moreland, K.M. Zemlick, B.L. Roberts, H.D. Passell, et. al. “Mapping Water Availability and Cost in the Western United States” Environmental Resource Letters 2014 9(6): 064009.