Ten problem solvers honored for scientific, community feats

March 2, 2021 4:19 pm Published by

Ten Sandia engineers received Black Engineer of the Year Awards for 2021, including Most Promising Scientist, Modern Technology Leaders, and Science Spectrum Trailblazers.

Honorees include Sandia systems, chemical, computer, electrical, petroleum, manufacturing, and mechanical engineers. All excel in their respective fields, and lead innovation that benefits U.S. national security.

The recipients, all with advanced engineering degrees, hold patents, have published extensively, and received many professional and community awards. They perform several roles at Sandia and with research and academic partners across the country.

In addition to their professional pursuits, they are active with youth in their communities as local sports coaches, STEM student program and event mentors, computer camp counselors, Big Brothers Big Sisters volunteers, local tutors and ambassadors for Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

“Each of these award recipients demonstrates remarkable abilities to inspire procedures, productivity and people in their professional and personal lives,” said Esther Hernandez, Sandia’s chief diversity officer. “Sandia embraces the importance of supporting our professionals both in their careers and personal interests, which benefits our employees, enterprise and communities.”

BEYA is a program of the national Career Communications Group, an advocate for corporate diversity, and is part of its STEM achievement program. The awards annually recognize the nation’s best and brightest engineers, scientists, and technology experts. The awards were announced at this year’s all-digital conference, held Feb. 11-13.

Read the Lab News story about the recipients, their many achievements, and research contributions, including contributions to research within Sandia’s energy programs.

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